Friday, October 30, 2009

Nobody Asked Me, But....

1) I'm reminded of the fact that the September 11th attackers practiced on Windows Flight Simulator.

2) It only FEELS this old...

3) The question is, will Facebook turn around and pay its members? After all, we had to suffer through this.

4) Git 'em, Hillary!

5) Some people probably have too much time on their hands.

6) Mmmm, demon candy....guhhhhhhhuhuhuhhhhhhhh....

7) A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

8) Dumbass of the day. Money quote: "Asked if she's ever heard of birth control, Hasselbeck replied, "Yeah, I have. It takes a while to kick in once you start one. But in the meantime, I just find him incredibly attractive. So, it's not like I'm that disciplined, so right now, my strategy is dressing in a way that will not get me pregnant."

Cuz ugly women never get pregnant...

9) FOX News: Pirate Sympathisers...

10) Finally, the annual reminder to cut off the top three inches of your sheets, and sew them onto the bottom. Yes, it's the end of Daylight Savings Time again!